Hello Students and Friends,
A major problem with Apostolics today from my point of view is that they don't take a stand against error. The errors like preterism, annihilation of the dead, say sinners prayer and you are going to heaven (easy believism), etc. Yes, easy believism is the belief of some so-called Apostolic pastors.
Clearwater Christian College (Florida) is one of the schools I graduated from. The men who started CCC were trained by Dr. Carl McIntire at Faith Seminary, PA a Bible Presbyterian ministry. Dr. McIntire - May 17, 1906 to March 19, 2002.
Dr. McIntire was very militant in standing for what he believed! He was very aggressive in attacking false doctrines. I was taught that one must take a very strong stand for truth while attending Clearwater Christian College. All of the students are required to take a class called 'Ecumenism'. Another name for the course could have been 'Biblical Separation'.
Dr McIntire separated from the liberal Presbyterian denomination of his day. He fought the good fight based on his limited knowledge of faith. He spoke on his radio station, he wrote books, he stood in pulpits wherever he could proclaiming the need to follow the Holy Bible. He would not compromise!
Today, many Apostolics compromise to follow the teachings of men!
We Apostolics need to take a stand as Jesus, Stephan, and Paul stood.
Are you in fellowship with those who won't stand for truth?
In Jesus,
Brother Bruce Klein