Monday, November 12, 2012

Now in Alabama

Hello Friends,

 We thought we were going to our storage unit in Kaplan, Louisiana. We didn't make it. We were invited to Alabama. Last evening we were in a country church. Joseph our son was asking me about moonshiners.
 Two extremes this weekend in country churches, Alabama, (ALJC) and last weekend in an inner city church in Jackson, Mississippi, (UPCI).
 We go where Jesus sends us.
 Last evening, I taught and preached on 'Which Bible Should You Use?'. Great response, thank you Jesus!

In Jesus,
Brother Klein

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kleins are Returning to Louisiana

Hello Friends,

 We have been traveling as evangelists for over a year. We are returning to Louisiana. Our first stop will be to get our inspection tag renewed on our car. Then Sister Klein will renew her driver's license. Then we will spend the night with our daughter. We haven't seen her in over a year!  Last weekend, we ministered to a church in Jackson, MS.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

New Testament Verses Clarified by Old Testament Verses

Hello Friends,

 A brief note about my latest book.

I use this book personally, often. It has every Old Testament quote found in the New Testament listed, plus many allusions, and O.T. explanations for a verse. It has 454 pages, 8.5 x 11. The New Testament is on the left; the Old Testament is on the right. The Old Testament is my schoolmaster.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein, Th.D.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sister Klein is Earning Her Master of Theology Degree

 Please pray for Sister Klein as she studies and writes earning a Master of Theology degree. She has finished a lot of her class study. Now she is writing her thesis. Her emphasis is in Biblical linguistics.

 I am earning another doctorate degree, a Doctorate in Religious Education. I need your prayers, also.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

Friday, November 2, 2012

Newly Revised Book by Sister Klein

  I have read all the books, and have done all this work with the education of the body of Jesus Christ in mind. I am hoping it sparks someone else to delve deeper into the area of apologetics. Whether you agree or disagree with my points, I applaud you for taking the time to read my research. This subject is not as simple as some would suppose. Many have stumbled over it, and continue to preach to the saints of God that they were born sinners and will always be sinners, after all God made me this way. What hope is there in that message? Jesus came to give us hope. He came to deliver and save us. We don’t have to sin every day or be classified a sinner. Before you again twist the Apostle Paul’s words to fit your theology, read my book.

In Jesus,
Sister Klein

Newly Published Book by Dr. Klein

 This book has the value of a commentary. A different kind of commentary; this commentary uses the Old Testament verses as commentary on a New Testament verse. This commentary is composed of New Testament verses found in the left hand column with Old Testament verses in the right hand column. The context for the New Testament is the Old Testament Old Testament verses are the schoolmaster. The Old Testament verses should be used to interpret the New Testament verses. This book can be used as a devotional by reading portions daily then meditating on those Scriptures. This book is a great reference tool for writing sermons and Bible studies. There are untold gems to be gleaned by comparing the Old Testament and the New Testament!

In Jesus,
Dr. Bruce Klein, Th.D.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Jews Among Acadians

I met a lady at a prayer meeting today who was from Louisiana. I grew up in St.Mary Parish as my dad worked for the Cargil Company there. So it is dear to me. This lady is Apostolic and began to relate to
me that she had lost several children to Tay Sachs disease. I know a great deal about this disorder as I actually have cared for children affected by the disorder in my Nursing Career doing private home duty.
When she began to give me the names of her family I was floored. None of the names were Acadian.
They were names of Jewish parentage that had intermarried among the Acadians. I have included an article that speaks of one of the genetic works and Tay Sachs and its connections.

 Letters to the Editor 781
We hope that Palomaki et al.'s letter and our reply
will further encourage those involved in Down syndrome
screening to question all aspects of the procedures
that they are following.
*School of Mathematics, University of Wales, Cardiff;
tDepartment of Chemical Pathology, Royal Gwent
Hospital, Newport; and *EURO/DPC Limited,
Witney, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Macri JN, Kasturi RV, Krantz DA, Cook EJ, Larsen JW
(1990) Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) patientspecific
risk reporting: its use and misuse. AmJ Hum Genet
Parvin CA, Gray DL, Kessler G (1991) Influence of assay
method differences on multiple of the median distributions:
maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein as an example.
Clin Chem 37:637-642
Reynolds T, John R (1992) Comparison of assay kits for unconjugated
estriol shows that expressing results as multiples
of the median causes unacceptable variation in calculated
risk factors for Down syndrome. Clin Chem
© 1993 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved.
Am.J. Hum. Genet. 53:781-782, 1993
Tay-Sachs Genes in Acadians
To the Editor:
McDowell et al. (1992) may have predated the entry of
the Tay-Sachs gene into the Acadian population of
Louisiana. They mentioned our study of inbreeding in
this population isolate (Thurmon and DeFraites 1974)
but apparently did not notice in it the exception to
their conclusions. The random inbreeding coefficient
was .0770, one of the highest ever documented in a
human isolate. It implied that, in essence, every member
of the isolate was related to every other member. We
further documented this with a computer methodology
(Thurmon et al. 1982). All founders of the isolate and
all of their descendants were identified. Though there
were great numbers, the program logic made it simple
to trace relationships. At generation IV, we found that
each person in the isolate had direct lineage to each of
the founders. This was done as part of a cancer study,
and, though submitted several times for publication, it
never survived reviewers who seemed determined not
to allow publication of any work that implied a genetic
basis of cancer.
In the course of our studies, we encountered the
Jews of Acadiana. The land that was granted to the
Acadian founders was sparse and foreboding. Even the
local Native Americans considered it an area of pestilence
and evil spirits. The only Native Americans who
actually resided there were regarded by their peers as
enchanted. For the first few generations, the Acadians
were the only Caucasians in the area, and there was no
room for anybody else. They cleared and drained the
land and turned it into a pleasant habitat and a worthwhile
market. Then the merchants began to arrive.
Among the first were a few Jewish families of Ashkenazi
derivation. The Acadians accepted them despite
their religious differences, possibly because the Acadians
had arrived in Louisiana as a result of religious
persecution. There were probably more pragmatic reasons
also. The Jews were moneyed and cultured.
Like so many other in-migrants into Acadiana, the
Jews did not maintain their culture but were themselves
acculturated. Only a few synagogues were established,
and none of the older ones survives. Many of the descendants
of the early Jewish in-migrants are unaware
of their Jewish heritage. Names of towns, communities,
and buildings are the only solid Jewish records, because
the genealogical record is only of Catholics. Jews do
not appear in it unless they married a Catholic or embraced
the religion themselves.
From our data, it would seem that any Acadian genealogy
that traced to only a single ancestral couple
would be an incomplete genealogy. Careful studies
might reveal both the actual genealogy and the Jewish
connection. It is possible, of course, that unacknowledged
paternity could account for gene flow and might
not be found in the genealogical record. However, the
very existence in the population of a well-accepted
Ashkenazi Jewish element is a much more proximate
likelihood as a source of Tay-Sachs genes than is the
ancient source posited by McDowell et al.
It is also possible that McDowell et al. were not
working with an Acadian genealogy. About the same
time that the merchants began to arrive in Acadiana,
the French Revolution produced an influx of non-Acadian
French in-migrants. Many were of aristocratic lineage,
so they held themselves aloof from the Acadians.
782 Letters to the Editor
Some of their descendants do so to this day, and,
among them, a genealogy could well trace to a single
ancestral couple. With few exceptions, their surnames
are different from those of the Acadian founders. Even
the exceptions should prove no problem to define in
careful genealogical studies.
Genetics Section
Department of Pediatrics
Louisiana State University School of Medicine,
McDowell GA, Mules EH, Fabacher P, Shapira E, Blitzer MG
(1992) The presence of two different infantile Tay-Sachs
disease mutations in a Cajun population. Am J Hum Genet
Thurmon TF, DeFraites EB (1974) Genetic studies of the
French-Acadians of Louisiana. Birth Defects 10:201-204
Thurmon TF, Macias BF, Ursin SA, Robertson KP (1982)
Founders: a microcomputer program for storage and analysis
of pedigrees of descendants of a founder group. Abstracts
of the National Birth Defects Conference. National
Birth Defects Foundation, White Plains, NY
© 1993 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved.
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 53:782-783, 1993
Reply to Thurmon
To the Editor:
Dr. Thurmon points out the many pitfalls inherent in
collecting and interpreting genealogical data. We took
into account such confounding factors as nonpaternity
and undocumented relationships when analyzing our
pedigrees, and we believe that entry of the Tay-Sachs
disease (TSD) exon 11 insertion allele into the Cajun
population after the early 19th century is inconsistent
with the available genealogical data.
Dr. Thurmon's work demonstrates convincingly that
the current population of southwest Louisiana is very
closely related, and he is correct that our pedigrees are
incomplete. We purposely eliminated from our study
those lines of the families which we demonstrated by
enzyme and molecular analysis not to carry the insertion
allele. We were fortunate enough to be able to test
family members two to four generations removed from
the probands and were able to eliminate 1/2-7/8 of the
individuals from each pedigree in our study. What information
we have on the excluded branches of our
pedigrees suggests that there are indeed multiple common
ancestors among these families. However, these
other relationships are not informative as to the origin
of the insertion allele.
Not all of the relatives of the insertion carriers were
French Acadian, but most were, and all of the families
in our study consider themselves to be members of the
Cajun population. We determined French Acadian ancestry
either by surname or by the identification of ancestors
who lived in Acadia. In addition to the Acadians,
southwest Louisiana was home to a German
settlement established in 1717 and referred to as the
"German Coast." Histories of this settlement state that
Jews were among the German immigrants, but, as Dr.
Thurmon points out, there is no documentation of this
(Deiler 1909). When we began our genealogical work it
seemed likely that the origin of the insertion allele
would be among these German settlers. However, we
have found no evidence to support a "German" origin
of this allele. One of the obligate carriers in our study
does not have any German relatives in his TSD carrier
lines. As for the German relatives of the other obligate
carriers, one German couple was found to be common
only to three of the seven obligate carriers through carrier
lines. Since the TSD carrier frequency among Jews
is increased, it is possible that more than one unrelated
family carrying this allele came to southwest Louisiana,
although there is no evidence that there were many
Jewish families in this early German community. Other
genetic disorders increased in the Jewish population,
such as Gaucher disease, are not reported in the Cajun
population to suggest any large influx of Jewish alleles.
If the origin of this allele is a single Jewish founder who
is unrecognized because of a case of nonpaternity, then
a common ancestral couple, albeit the wrong ancestral
couple, still will be found. The timing of the entry of
the TSD allele would be correct, though the geographic
origin of the allele may not.
The conclusions of our study are supported by our
data even after consideration of the possible confounding
factors which Dr. Thurmon raises: namely, that (a)
our pedigrees indicate that the insertion allele has been
in southwest Louisiana at least since 1850 and probably
since the founding of the Cajun community, and (b)
founder effect is responsible, in part, for the increased
occurrence of TSD in the Cajun community.

Pray for the Healing and Salvation of those in the Acadian Communities.
In Jesus Name,
Sis.Dana Klein

Friday, October 12, 2012

New Testament Verses Clarified by Old Testament Verses

My latest book:
  It is over 450 pages 8.5 x 11. New Testament verses are on the left. Old Testament verses are on the right. One reads a certain New Testament verse finding an Old Testament verse or verses on the right. All Old Testament verses when quoted in the New Testament are given. It is a great reference when writing Bible studies and sermons!

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

A larger picture can be view by clicking HERE

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Biblical 'Greek in a Day' Seminar

Hello Friends,

 We are available for a 'Greek in a Day' seminar.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

Biblical 'Hebrew in a Day' Seminar

Hello Friends,

 We are available for a 'Hebrew in a Day' Seminar.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

Blood Bought Healing

Hello Friends,

 My book on Biblical healing is available. It is a text book written in outlined form. It is written in the second person, so those needing healing are being spoken to directly.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

General Conference, UPCI

Hello Friends,

 We are at the general conference for the UPCI. It is a great place to be! The preaching is the best I have ever heard! Pastors Jerry Jones and Jeff Arnold have preached sermons dealing with more than salvation!

 We have a table in the exhibit hall selling books I have written. We are meeting a lot of Christians.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dr. Bruce and Dana Klein's Teaching Ministry

 Presently, the Klein's are involved with three different Apostolic schools.
G.T. Haywood Seminary, Jackson, Michigan, USA
July 2012 to present, this school will open in 2013.
Dr. Bruce Klein is the president.
Dr. and Sister Klein are co-founders with Bishop Dr. Ira Combs (PAW)

Muskegon Bible Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
August 2012 to present
Dr. Bruce Klein is a professor of Biblical Greek and Bible. Sister Klein is a professor of Biblical Hebrew and Bible.
Bishop Dr. Willie Duncan (PAW) is the founder and president.
Apostolic Theological Seminary and Bible College, World Wide
Dr. Bruce Klein is the president and founder · 2005 to present
There are approximately 50 schools overseas with over 2,000 students being trained weekly.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

McDonald's and Chick-Fil-A

Blood Bought Healing - Sent to Printers

Hello Friends,

 A new revision of my book on Biblical healing has been sent to the printers! Its title is 'Blood Bought Healing'. The printed books should be in our hands in about six weeks. It is 326 pages. Though it is a textbook on healing, it is written for the person seeking healing.

In Jesus,
Dr. Klein

Dr. Klein will be Speaking at Michigan State University

Dr. Klein will be speaking at Michigan State University on 'Which Bible Should You Use????'.

The date is Wednesday, August 29.

Please pray for me!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Is China Really Mentioned in the Holy Bible?

 Hello Friends

“Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.”  Isaiah 49:12 

Sinim — The Arabians and other Asiatics called China Sin, or Tchin; the Chinese had no special name for themselves, but either adopted that of the reigning dynasty or some high-sounding titles. This view of “Sinim” suits the context which requires a people to be meant “from far,” and distinct from those “from the north and from the west” [Gesenius]. JFB

Dr. Bruce Klein

Out-of-Place Metal Objects

Humans were not even around 65 million years ago, never mind people who could work metal. So then how does science explain semi-ovoid metallic tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk in France? In 1885, a block of coal was broken open to find a metal cube obviously worked by intelligent hands. In 1912, employees at an electric plant broke apart a large chunk of coal out of which fell an iron pot! A nail was found embedded in a sandstone block from the Mesozoic Era. And there are many, many more such anomalies.
What are we to make of these finds? There are several possibilities:
  • Intelligent humans date back much, much further than we realize.
  • Other intelligent beings and civilizations existed on earth far beyond our recorded history.
  • Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and that stone, coal and fossils form much more rapidly than we now estimate.                                                                                                                                                                                                     This article is from:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Biblia Hebraica

Biblia Hebraica
Rudolph Kittel
(based on the Hebrew Text of  Jacob
ben Chayyim -1524-25
1905/6 Edition
PDF Version

Bible Library


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dr. Lynda Allison Doty

Was a psychologist. She now exhorts soteric counseling as an Apostolic. She has changed from the world’s method of helping someone to Jesus’ way of helping someone! All of her books are must reads!

In Jesus,
Brother Klein

Monday, June 18, 2012

Rebuilding a Camping Trailer

Hello Friends,

 Please pray for Sister Klein and me as we rebuild an old camper trailer. We wanted to spray paint it today. Presently, there is a severe thunderstorm in progress. We worked on the brakes and repacked the bearings on Saturday, plus rebuilt the door. The door had a rotten lower portion. We need to replace the ceiling in the bathroom and restructure a support for a bed, plus redesign a table, etc. etc.!

Thank you for praying for us!

In Jesus,
Brother and Sister Klein

Book on Biblical Healing

Hello Friends,

This week I will send a book to the printers on Biblical healing. The book is written (rewritten). The cover is a separate project. Please pray it will look great when the designer finishes.

A book on the O.T. verses and the N.T. verses is being written. This book has never been printed before. It is a brand new book. This is a reference work that every Christian can use for devotions, writing, teaching, and preaching.

The book on Jesus Christ is somewhat finished. It needs more revision before it is sent to the printers.

Sister Klein is revising one of her books. She hopes to have it reprinted soon.

All of our books are designed to be text books.

Thank you for your prayers.

In Jesus,
Brother Klein

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Must Hear NEWS!!!!

Muslim Atrocities against Children

UN: Syrian army uses children as 'human shields' Syrian government branded as one of worst offenders by UN 'list of shame' of conflict countries where children are killed, tortured and forced to fight. Some 1,200 children have died during uprising AFP

Monday, June 11, 2012

PAW Statement on Same Sex Marriage

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. Organizational Statement on Same Sex Marriage The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. goes on record applauding the leadership of President Barack Obama with his many achievements in improving the quality of life for all Americans; however we are in conflict with the President's personal stance on the issue of same sex marriage. As Christian ministers we reaffirm our commitment to God and confidence in the Holy Bible which we deem as His infallible Word. We go on record as believing that marriage is a most sacred union ordained of God between one man and one woman. We shall continue as Jesus did to love and welcome all individuals into our churches. Yet we are called to preach against every variation of sin as described in the bible in hope that all people may be transformed into the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Word of God also encourages us to pray for those in leadership positions and with this mandate we shall continue to lift up our President as he shoulders the awesome responsibility of leading the free world. The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. Presiding Bishop Charles H. Ellis III May 15, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Magnificent Testimony of Jesus Christ in the World Today!

    The Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos had a divine experience with the Glorified Jesus Christ. He gave him instruction for the churches and the wonderful Revelation of Jesus Christ that we find within the Holy Bible. We still see that Revelation unfolding to day as many people are still coming to Him in this day and age.
     The Testimony of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed in parts of the World that the early disciples did not intercept in their time. Yet still two thousand years have passed and the same power that fell in the book of Acts on the day of Pentecost is flowing into the lives of many believers. That Testimony still holds the same magnificent power that it held then today.
     What is your part in the sharing of this testimony? Are you like the Church in Philadelphia and full of brotherly love?  Maybe you are like the Saints in Ephesus and patiently laboring in the midst of 
falsehood yet not giving up. Possibly you are like the Saints in Pergamos where satan's seat dwellest and holding on not denying His name. You could be like the Saints in Smyrna going through trials and poverty while all the while standing firm against blasphemers and getting ready to be thrown in prison. 
     Whichever position you are in today just remember that this powerful magnificent Testimony of Jesus Christ is worth your sacrifice and situation. Let us lift our hands up to the Lord Jesus Christ who knows how to deliver the Godly out of temptation. 
2 Peter 2:9  "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:"
   I pray you are productive today in sharing this Magnificent Testimony.

In Jesus' Name,
Sister Dana Dartez Klein    

Internet Links for My Hebrew Students

Internet Links
This web site is for learning Hebrew: Hebrew4Christians
Here is a simple site for learning the letters and vowels: Learn to Read Hebrew.
Here is audio for the entire Hebrew Bible Old Testament.
The Academy of Ancient Languages also has a recording of the O. T in Hebrew.
Here is another site for listening to the Hebrew O. T.
Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible.
Emanuel Tov, Ph.D. Note especially his two lengthy articles on "Scribal Practices and Approaches Reflected in the Texts Found in the Judean Desert." The articles are under the "Publications" tab.
Free e-books from
W. L. Roy, 1846. A Complete Hebrew Critical and Pronouncing Dictionary
T. J. Conant's 1853 translation of Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar. Isaac Nordheimer's 1842 (Second Editon) A Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language
W. R. Harper's 1885, 1921 Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method.
Charles Prospero Fagnani (1903) A Primer of Hebrew. This was designed for people studying Hebrew without a teacher. It was something of a preparation for Davis' Hebrew Grammar.
S. R. Driver 1890 Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Samuel.
Thomas H. Weir 1899 A Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament.
T. H. Horne MDCCCXXXIII A Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible. See the section on Hebrew.
Bishop Robert Lowth's 1829 Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews
Robert Lowth 1824 Isaiah: A New Translation with a Preliminary Disseration and Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory
Moses Stuart 1824 Hebrew Grammar with a Copious Syntax and Praxis
Moses Stuart 1850 A Commontary on the Book of Daniel. 
For those interested, here is A Discourse Delivered at the Funeral of Professor Moses Stuart
Moses Stuart 1842 Hints on the Interpretation of Prophecy 
Moses Stuart 1852 A Commentary on the book of Proverbs
Moses Stuart 1852 A Commentary on Ecclesiates
Moses Stuart 1828 A Commentary on the Book of Hebrews 
The New Testament Epistle to the Hebrews relates to the Old Testament. 
A. B. Davidson 1904 Theology of the Old Testament 
William Henry Green 1895 Unity of the Book of Genesis
William Henry Green 1863 .The Pentetuch Vidicated from the Aspersions of Bishop Colenso
William Henry Green 1895 The Higher Criticism of the Pentatuch.
William Henry Green 1891 The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded.
William Henry Green 1889 A Grammar of the Hebrew Language.
William Henry Green 1871 Elementary Hebrew Grammar with Reading and Writing Lessons with Vocabularies. 
Joseph Lewis Potter 1877 An English-Hebrew Lexicon Being a Complete Verbal Index to Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon. Note: This is an English to Hebrew Index. 
J. G. Murphy 1867 Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Genesis
The 1881 Revised Version of the Bible. To go with this see The Old Testament Revision: A Handbook for English Readers. by Alexander Roberts (1882).
George Rice Hovey 1902 A Hebrew Word-Book for Study and Class-Room
S. G. Green 1901 Handbook to Old Testament Hebrew
 J. W. McGarvey 1982 The Authorship of Deuteronomy
R. Dick Wilson 1922 Is the Higher Criticism Scholarly?
James Orr 1907 The Problem of the Old Testament with Special Reference to Recent Criticism. Here is a review of Orr's book in the 1907 Princeton Theological Review by John D. Davis. The review conveniently summarizes the  book.
John Howard Raven 1906 Old Testament Introduction: General and Special. Conservative. Here is a short review by John D. Davis in the 1907 Princeton Theological Review.
W. H. Vibbert 1876 A Guide to Reading the Hebrew Text; for the Use of Beginners. A superb introductory text with many attractive features for beginners.
S. P. Tregelles 15th. ed., 1911 Hebrew Reading Lessons Consisting of the First Four Chapters of the Book of Genesis and the Eight Chapter of Proverbs with Grammatical Praxis and Interlineary Translation. A very handy book for getting in some Hebrew reading practice. 

A. B. Davidson's 1901 Introductory Hebrew Grammar with Progressive Exercises for Reading and Writing. F. W. Danker tells us, "Beginners in Hebrew Grammar have found Andrew Bruce Davidson's An Introductory Hebrew Grammar (Edinburgh 1884), 25th. ed. rev. John mauchline (1962), useful for grasping the inner consistency and logic of the language. The book is conveniently arranged for self-instruction. A companion volume, Hebrew Syntax, first appeared in 1894. The third ed. (Edinburgh, 1901) has been reprinted frequently. 

Gesenius Hebrew Grammar (1898). A standard work.
Hebrew Vocabularies (1882) W. R. Harper. Word frequency lists.
William Henry Lowe (1882) Hebrew Student's Commentary on Zechariah: Hebrew and LXX. A handy book for students wanting to read a Hebrew text. He also wrote a concise Hebrew Grammar.
The Psalter of the Great Bible 1539 by John Earlie. A masterful and penetrating study into the history of the Psalter. 
Here are some Hebrew Copywork exercises for little children, or anyone.
F. C. Cook (Ed.) Speaker's Commentary

Libros en español
J. J. Braun (1867) GRÁMATICA HEBREA.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cherokee Indians are from Masada, Israel?

In explaining this connection Beverly Baker Northup is quoted as saying:

"The story has been kept alive among our Cherokee people that the Sicarii who escaped from Masada, are some of our ancestors who managed to cross the water to this land, and later became known as Cherokees. (Please note the phonetic resemblance of Si'cari'i and, Cherokee or Tsa'ra-gi'.)"

The quotes below are taken from this website as well as the quote above.

"Northup claims that the famous scholar Josephus wrote that there were escapees from Masada in which the spokesperson for the Northern Cherokee states that this is evidence that gives credence to this connection between the Cherokee Indians and the Jews."

"In addition to other startling claims, there is also the belief by the Northern Cherokee that a rock that was uncovered in Tennessee in 1889 that is named the Bat Creek Stone, proves a transatlantic connection to Jews."

"Northup believes that the scratched writings on the rock indicate that the stone is evidence of a first century Atlantic Crossing to America by these escaped Jews that later became known as the Northern Cherokee Indians."

King James Bible, Authorized

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hebrew Tanakh

The Books of the Old Testament
Hebrew Tanakh ()
In The Beginning
And He Called
In The Wilderness
G-d is Salvation
1 & 2 Samuel
His name is G-d
1 & 2 Kings
1 & 2 Chronicles
Divrei HaYamim
Words Of The Days
Song of Songs
Shir HaShirim
Song of Songs
G-d is Salvation
G-d will raise up
G-d will strengthen
Daniel .
G-d is My Judge
G-d is willing
To be burdened
Servant of G-d
Yonah .
Who is like G-d?
To wrestle
Tzefanya .
Hidden by G-d
My feast
G-d Remembers
My messenger