Bruce & Dana Klein are Apostolic, Oneness, Pentecostal, Jesus Name Bible Teachers at Apostolic Theological Seminary.-- Repentance, Water baptism and the Holy Ghost baptism are required for salvation! Jesus Christ is our God!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Translating our Biblical Study Manuals into French - Prayer Request
Hello Friends,
We are attempting to translate all of our Biblical study manuals into the French language.
WHY? A new Apostolic Theological Seminary in Cameroon, Africa needs Biblical study manuals in English and French.
Dana knows some French; her parents spoke fluent French. I don't know French.
I have taken a few Biblical manuals, and plugged them into an online translator to arrive at 'run together' French Biblical manuals, I hope!
So, now I must go through line by line to arrange hopefully French words into the same structure as the English manual. This is all very time consuming!
The goal is to send the pastor a manual script that is close to being right. Then have him and his ministry make corrections. Then we would re-print the manuals.
Please pray this project would be completed soon with accurate translations. Please also pray for volunteers of like faith to help translate French and other languages.
There are others languages which have been requested.
In Jesus,