Thursday, May 20, 2010

On the Road!

Hello everyone! I have not blogged in some time. We have been so very busy for Jesus and raising a family.
Things are moving right along.We are headed for the great state of Florida and later to Alabama. I have a dear friend who serves Jesus that used to be a Country/Western Musician that plays a real mean guitar
I hope to get together with. The fiddles will be smoking....I am hoping....Hey who knows I may write a new song! Dr. Klein has been deep into working on his new book. I can't wait until it goes to press. We however will be busy traveling more after it does. I have a book called True Biblical Prayer that is going to press as well.
Those of you who want a deeper and more directed prayer life or want a deeper study on prayer get ready because you can learn and study and pray. The more Biblical we are the better we understand Jesus Christ.
Jesus bless you and whatever you do in word or deed follow the command to do all in the Name of Jesus!

Dana D. Klein