Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creation vs. Evilution (Evolution)

Are there any facts to support 'evilution', NO! Since there aren’t facts to support evolution, it is not even a theory; it is a hypothesis. ‘A hypothesis is an educated guess at how something will happen while a theory is a hypothesis that has been proven. Once you develop a hypothesis you can test it out in hopes that you can make a theory out of your guess.’

Progression of Man? Evilutionist's so-called ‘Proof’ There is not a missing link!
Java Man - Man Based on an ape’s skull
Heidelberg Man - Based on a human jawbone
Nebraska Man - Based on a tooth of an extinct pig
Piltdown Man - Based on a jawbone of a modern ape - hoax
Ramapithecus - Based on bones identical to an orangutan (baboon)
Peking Man - No evidence
Neanderthal Man - Based on 100% modern man
Cro-magnon Man - Based on a skull with an equivalent in modern men
Lucy - Based on bone fragments of a chimpanzee
Modern Man - Based on a skull that has not evolved Choose ‘Origin of Man’

Dinosaur and human tracks have been found in the same bedrock in Texas and Siberia.

Since nothing evolved, there must be a creator. That creator created you! Who is the creator? The Holy Bible says Jesus Christ is the creator, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2.

Dr. Bruce Klein MA, MDiv, ThM, ThD, Pastor, Acadian Lighthouse Church
213 East Veterans Memorial Drive, Kaplan, Louisiana, (337) 517-3954,