1Co 12:14 For the body is not one member, but many.
It was such a blessing this year to travel to many new places and meet Brothers and Sisters we did not know for the first time. In heaven the fellowship will continue without a break. Here we have to depart for home and see them or call them or email them. I pray for many people daily who I have a burden to see do their all for Jesus in this world. In the next world it will not be a concern. We went to Alabama and
met new family members who were such great musicians. We went to Tennessee and met new family members who were great musicians and singers and preachers and Bible teachers. We also traveled to many places in Louisiana this year and met
Bible teachers, preachers and teachers. We traveled to Africa and met preachers,
Bible teachers and singers and all manner of gifted Brothers and Sisters. I am so thankful that Jesus is using His body the Church of Jesus Christ to reach the world around them. It is encouraging to see. Most every day we get emails about the work we do and the message we preach. We get pictures and updates from the Body of Jesus around the world and it is very encouraging to us to see what is happening. If all we had to go by is what we see right before our own eyes what a sad thing that would be but together we can join with others who believe this One God, Jesus Name Message of Salvation and rejoice in what is happening in the Body. I may not be a foot or a hand or an ear or a foot but I do have a place in the Body. We need to reach out and come together and share a word, a psalm and a heart chord so the Body can walk forward more often. I see that when we do all are encouraged. I am very thankful
that I get to travel and correspond with many and see the work of Jesus going forward and the Body growing daily.
In Jesus be Blessed today,
Dana Klein