Hello Friends,
Brother Igor and Sister Maya Etemovic are looking for Apostolic friends.
Do you speak Serbian, Slovakian, or Czech?
You may contact them at faith-yu@net.hr
Igor Etemovic:
Dear in Christ Jesus. Greetings from Montenegro-Europe from brother Igor and sister Maya Etemovic. Do you believe in ONE GOD ? Do you believe in water baptism in the NAME of JESUS amd baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT ? Acts.2:1-4,38,39. ? We believe in ONE GOD and this doctrine Acts.2:1-4,38,39. Please pray for us,we need new job. Please pray for Montenegro,Montenegro need new churches. Thank you,we love you and God bless you. Yours in Christ Jesus Gospel Missionary Etemovic Igor from Montenegro. Shalom. For you:Psalm.21. P.S. Do you have in yours churches in U.S.A peoples wich know speaking serbian,slovakian and czech language ? Please send me answer. My email address: faith-yu@net.hr
In Jesus,
Brother Bruce