Sunday, January 11, 2009


This morning we are driving down the highway discussing stewardship. You have to admire someone who is a good steward with what Jesus has entrusted to them. Some examples are home and property. We may look at this as being non-spiritual but it is an outcome of an investment that takes time and effort and good planning. There are people who have nice things and are simply good stewards and are to be commended. Sure we can always justify the fact that we are poor stewards with the scripture that says we should be storing our treasures up in heaven etc but then are we really giving that much to the cause of God that we can use that scripture to justify the fact that we never save a nickel and we make poor purchase choices?
Do we really need to buy that item at the dollar store and spend only a dollar and the item lasts only a day or maybe we need to invest five dollars for the same item and have it last longer?
Stewardship needs to be incorporated into every area of our lives. We need to be productive workers. On my job I think constantly of ways to better organize myself so that I can work smarter instead of harder. I am very blessed to be able to minister and work on my job. Nursing is a great ministry since I am caring for the sick in body and spirit. Its a dual purpose job. I commend anyone who has this kind of job. It did not come over night. It came through preparation and study. There are some great people I work with who have been diligent and gotten degrees but they had to first sacrifice and work for those degrees and deserve the money they make because of it. This is good stewardship. We cannot expect to be lazy servants and obtain riches. We have to give our all in every area and pray over it and then Jesus will give us the increase we desire. Faith is great but faith without works is dead. We need faith and works. We need to strive for a balance. Its easy to criticize our brothers and sisters because we harbor jealousy in our hearts. We can always say that this or that one wears too expensive clothes and pull out a scripture to defend ourselves concerning costly array but the honest truth is that what they are wearing may not be expensive since they make a lot of money and it may be quality items that are classic and can be worn many times. Its best to judge ourselves according to the word of God and pray that we can become better stewards. Motive is everything. I want to check my motives when I am too critical. Maybe jealousy is motivating me to criticize someone else when I am the one that needs to change.
Matthew 7:3
In Jesus,