There was a problem among the Brethren who walked with Jesus. That problem was a position problem.
Matthew 18:1 finds the disciples asking Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of God? His reply was to take a little child and set him in the midst of them and state that in order to be great in the kingdom you have to humble yourself as a little child.
One thing that really stands out to me is that a child is willing to be taught. We must be willing to be taught. A child is also innocent and believes all you tell them as the parent. In order to be great in the kingdom we must keep a pure heart and pure faith in Jesus and believe all His Word tells us. Children though sometimes get jealous of one another and that is understandable but in the kingdom of Jesus we must realize that we are loved the same. We don't have to push one another aside to get to Jesus. He is willing to hold each of us close to Him. He unlike an earthly parent is Omnipresent which means He is in all places at all times. He fills the Universe with His presence and His eyes are always watching us and over us. That is a comforting thought to the believer and a discomforting thought to the sinner. Some think their sin is hid from the eyes of the Lord but He sees all things and knows all things.
Heaven will be a lovely place for those who love Jesus. It would be a place of misery for those who love sin because no sin will enter heaven. Today if you feel less than your neighbor realize that you are not less. The bible says that the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist. That is pretty great as far as greatness goes. John was chosen of God and came in the Spirit of Elijah the Prophet. Imagine that the bible says the least in the Kingdom is greater than John!
Have a Jesus Day and do all you can do for Him.
In Jesus,
Dana Klein
Matthew 18:1 finds the disciples asking Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of God? His reply was to take a little child and set him in the midst of them and state that in order to be great in the kingdom you have to humble yourself as a little child.
One thing that really stands out to me is that a child is willing to be taught. We must be willing to be taught. A child is also innocent and believes all you tell them as the parent. In order to be great in the kingdom we must keep a pure heart and pure faith in Jesus and believe all His Word tells us. Children though sometimes get jealous of one another and that is understandable but in the kingdom of Jesus we must realize that we are loved the same. We don't have to push one another aside to get to Jesus. He is willing to hold each of us close to Him. He unlike an earthly parent is Omnipresent which means He is in all places at all times. He fills the Universe with His presence and His eyes are always watching us and over us. That is a comforting thought to the believer and a discomforting thought to the sinner. Some think their sin is hid from the eyes of the Lord but He sees all things and knows all things.
Heaven will be a lovely place for those who love Jesus. It would be a place of misery for those who love sin because no sin will enter heaven. Today if you feel less than your neighbor realize that you are not less. The bible says that the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist. That is pretty great as far as greatness goes. John was chosen of God and came in the Spirit of Elijah the Prophet. Imagine that the bible says the least in the Kingdom is greater than John!
Have a Jesus Day and do all you can do for Him.
In Jesus,
Dana Klein