The Hebrew phrase is 'upon whom my name is called'. That would be the people who
upon whom the Name of Jesus is called.
Many times I have read this passage, but this morning I read the entire chapter setting, and it is so much more than repentance during prayer. If I could get every saint of Jesus to understand that He has to come first, not the job, not the children, not the wife or husband but Jesus. He has to be sought!
Psa 88:13 | But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee. If we will turn to Jesus first and lay aside all other plans and seek His will and His face, then we will have revival. It comes no other way. Apostolic Pentecostals like to sit back and recall the old time revivals, but it's sad that they only continue to look back. Our greatest revival is ahead. We need to put into place the old landmarks of prayer and fasting and seeking the face of Jesus. It's not about personal victory it's about Kingdom Victory for Jesus. It's about the Bride of Jesus Christ coming together and getting ready for the Marriage Supper. Come Lord Jesus, we pray but oh let us be ready when He does come and let Him not find us prayer less and selfish. In Jesus, Dana Klein |