This pastor's son from California received the Holy Ghost and fire. No one saw the fire but it was evident upon him and picked up by the camera of one of his teachers.
This happened in Stockton, Ca at Stockton Christian School." Several little boys in this class pray for each other", stated his mother. That is his mother there in the photo praying. You cannot miss the look of joy on his little face.
The bible says in the book of Acts that they received tongues as of fire and it sat upon each of them. The move of Jesus in our century had believers in Topeka, Kansas having this same experience where they actually saw flames over the believers as they began to receive the Spirit and speak in other tongues. The same experience is for believers today. Have you spoken in tongues since you believed? Have you no power or sin in your life and though you speak in tongues never seem to be able to overcome sin? Maybe you did not receive the same Book of Acts experience the early church received? Why would a person not have victory over sin after this experience?
There can be several reasons:
1. You repented on the spot and went back to live in your sinful existence as a choice.
The bible describes this as a dog returning to its own vomit. All the junk you were delivered from were re consumed.
2. You did not receive the genuine experience.
3. You are missing true bible teaching and are doing things that are sinful and you are not recognizing where the doors are open in your life for the enemy to come in.
4. You are weak.
If any of these problems seem to be continually occurring in your Christian walk and you would like help overcoming and are willing to repent because true repentance must always precede the genuine experience and you would like to have the genuine experience then email us and we will work with you or find a minister or saint in your area who will be glad to help you get real biblical salvation.
In Jesus,
Dana Klein