Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Substance-that which has an actual existence.
Evidence - a proof that by which a thing is proved or tested.
I am so excited about all that Jesus has promised my family this year.I have been telling Bruce that I want a home of our own.I have been asking Jesus for one. I have a vision of what I want that home to be. I want it to have a room to house our library. I want it to be white with green shutters. I want it to be multi-level and have a big garage. I want enough property so my sons and daughter can run outside and chase a big dog around. I want a bedroom that everyone can call their own and feel a sense of security in.We are called to travel alot but I feel like children need a home and stability. The natural realm is not our home but we seek a city whose builder and maker is God. I know though that in this world Jesus wants us to prosper and be in health. Part of that prosperity and abundant life I believe includes not being a pauper when Jesus has declared that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He owns the hill as well. Anyway Prophet Phillips a month or so ago told Brother Klein and I that he saw us buying a house and described exactly what I have been praying for. Just this weekend we visited Peace Tabernacle and Brother Charles Pierce said to us that he saw us getting a home, a place to live within the upcoming year. That is it.I have now moved into the next dimension in faith.I am not going to be worried about putting up any more pictures or beautifying my surroundings. I am now beginning to
plan things for my new house....the one with the library and the land and the children chasing a dog (a big dog Bruce). I am not going to live within the confines of my current situation. I am going to live in faith.
Something else I would like to share is that my face had been in alot of pain due to some nerve damage I had two months ago. I got prayer and today the pain is no where near where it has been and the feeling is returning to that area of my face. Thank you Jesus. I want to live knowing that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. I confess that every day this thing is going to get better and better and no longer exist.That is the substance.I am not planning for misery but I am planning for victory.
In Jesus,
Dana Klein